Goodbye (and good riddance) 2023

Hello, hello. It’s been a while since I posted. Some quick writerly news first. Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove is getting both a Russian and a Spanish translation. I’m delighted, because I’m a firm believer in cross cultural pollination. The more translations that exist, the more bridges people can choose to walk across and meet each other.

I sold a new story to Uncanny Magazine that I hope to share with readers in 2024. It is, despite being a secondary world fantasy, one of the most personal stories I’ve written. It is also the only short story I wrote this year. What can I say? 2023 has sucked in multiple terrible ways and my brain space for fiction has been low. That said, I am currently trying to edit a weird novella I wrote some years ago. Let’s see if it finds a home somewhere.

For the year ahead, I wish peace and health to you and yours. I wish for justice for the people of DRC, Sudan and Gaza. In case it is not abundantly clear from my social media, I support the Palestinian right to life and dignity in their homeland. It is hard today to find anyone who supported apartheid in South Africa. Twenty years later, no one will admit to supporting the ethnic cleansing campaign being carried out in Gaza by the Israelis. If only more people would speak up now – especially in this continent. Themes of justice and anti-colonialism pervade my work. What a hypocrite I would be not to stand with Palestine.

As for new year resolutions, I’m not making any. Like stoned cold fox, I think it’s time for the years to be better, not me.

About Rati Mehrotra

Science fiction and fantasy writer. I blog at: Thanks for dropping by!
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